When the water goes I
Come quick, wrench in hand
Tool box at the ready
The pipes are coming up where
They should be sliding down
Some underwear, hair,
And blood spurting out.
Just force it back in, clamp
It all down and head back home
But from house to house, you peer
Through the tubes like
Telescopes to somewhere you
believe you remember
But can’t
A piece at a time,
Glimpsing skin,
bones, teeth, and varicose veins
There is someone down in there, stretched
Like puddy beneath our foundations
they are moving, grunting,
standing, sitting,
talking and listening
there's a microphone there
in the faucet, recording one drip at a time
Ear to the toilet, a newscast
clogs and mixes with
an advertisement filling up the sink,
the women spilling out the tub
you're mapping it,
every house call more vivid
you can almost see
it unclogging you, mapping you back
to whence you came
a thousand eyes for every home
knowing all the inches
of branches where
you are the foliage, only
And up from the ground you
Feel something growing
A Tree, a Fruit