Thursday, July 23, 2009

Maiden Form

I think about the summer
they executed the Rosenbergs.
It's a tradition that we have our ribs
and fashion show every year on this day.
Coordinated sabotage and rebellion.
Everybody's happy. I'm building
a bomb shelter. Let me know
if you need a reference. I see her crossing
the widow's walk with an eye to the sea. I'm
very important to the agency. Call me from
the emergency room where she loves to
do the watusi. It goes along for a while, then
it takes a turn and ends up exactly where you
thought it was going. John Wayne shot him.
Apparently I've already signed off on it. Two
sides of one woman. What, you didn't think I
had a mother? It's okay. People start giving
you things -- they think it's cute.

No one told me about this.
I'm taking pictures.

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